“The wind of God is always blowing, but you must hoist your sail.”

~ François Fénelon


 If we knew the future, it would already be determined; hence, we would not be free. It is not imperfection not to know the future; it is the condition of freedom.
— Dallas Willard
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
— Psalm 32:8-9 NIV
I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.
— John 16:12 NIV

Let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we are not.
Romans 12:6 MSG

The ideal situation in which to grow spiritually is your life now, exactly as you find it.
Alan Fadling

True growth is a process one allows to happen rather than causes to happen….We are participating in the growth but we are still not causing it.
Dr. Gerald May

Trusting God is a way of welcoming His work in us.

God wants to lead us from a posture of love and not pressure.

You get to choose how you react, respond or believe. So do the people in your life.

The director’s role is to be a midwife for the Spirit, who alone gives birth.

~Paul Jones

 Trusting abandonment of ourselves to God’s good work is a path to being deeply transformed.
Alan Fadling 

At times we all find ourselves in excruciating seasons of being completely undone. Spiritual Direction is a place to sort out and find enriched and enlivened life with God in ways we never knew possible.
~ Gem Fadling

When we depend on self protecting narratives, often enough, they can become our default stories.
~ Brene Brown

The truly spiritual life is not an escape from reality but a total commitment to it.
~ David Benner

There is a great difference between inviting people to the person of God and inviting them into a belief system about that God. One produces transformed souls. The other produces clones. Participating in religious activity without engagement with the living God causes a great deal of misery.
~ Alan Fadling

Spiritual direction is the art, discipline, and commitment of one person assisting another in listening to the ways God may be drawing, luring, or inviting a soul into deeper, truer, and more fully human relationships. 
~ Samuel Hamilton-Poore