Spiritual Direction Covenant Name * First Name Last Name Email * Spiritual Direction is the ancient art of Christian conversation and listening carried out in the context of a trusting relationship. A Spiritual Director is a faith companion who listens to your life stories with an ear for discerning the movement of the Holy Spirit in your life. God is the true guide and director, while the human spiritual director is like a coach or a midwife, assisting you in noticing and responding to the inner voice of God and movement in your life. The director is primarily interested in your experience of God and how you can follow God’s call. The process is a spiritual journey into the truth about God, yourself, your relationships, your work and the world. The premise of Spiritual Direction is that God is present and active in your daily life in a multitude of usually unnoticed ways. When you slow down, begin to reflect, and take a long, loving look at what is happening around you, you begin to become aware of the experience of the presence of God. The more you know yourself the more you know God; and the more you know God, the more you know yourself and your direction and purpose. Intimacy with God leads naturally into transformation, healing and action. My call and work as your director is to focus my attention on your spiritual experience and points of self-discovery, to explore with you God’s will and purpose in your life. Therefore, I will try not to analyze or fix you, even though our conversation may involve deep personal sharing and exploration of personal crisis and suffering. Spiritual direction is a conversation of the heart and uses all our human faculties (intuition, emotion, imagination, senses, and intellect) to discern God’s presence and will for you, as you understand it. I pledge myself to listen with you for the voice of God and to help you notice God’s movement in your life. Our conversations are always confidential. Typically, we will meet once a month, for about an hour each session. After a few sessions we can evaluate how well direction is meeting your expectations and whether to continue. Thereafter, we will meet according to the schedule we agree upon, usually monthly. Individual direction sessions are $50 per one-hour session. Note: State law requires spiritual directors to report suspected cases of child or elder abuse, and professional ethics regarding confidentiality applies to self- endangerment, suicide or harm to others. Electronic Signature * Date * MM DD YYYY Text Area Please allow 24 hours notice for cancellation or rescheduling. Thank you!